Most expensive ever Guinness advert features large-scale domino game.
Directed by Nicolai Fuglsig of Sony Bravia 'Balls' fame, it is a celebration of community.
The advert was shot on location in a remote side village called Iruya, in the Salta region of northern Argentina, with a population of around 1,000 people.
Non-Format is a creative team comprising Kjell Ekhorn (Norwegian) and Jon Forss (British). They work on a range of projects including art direction, design and illustration for music industry, arts & culture, fashion and advertising clients. They also art direct Varoom: the journal of illustration and made images.
I have found Jasper Goodall to be a strong influence amongst my work that I create during my studies of Graphic Design. I find his work is very powerful with the use of strong lines and contrasting colours, taking into consideration the sharp lines and blocks of colours. His composition is very eye capturing and works together as an illusrtative print.