Friday, 6 June 2008



The Basics

What is Designers are wankers?
It's a book by product designer Lee McCormack that helps students, graduates and professionals gain further understanding of the creative industry. It's also this site, and the community formed around it.

What is the point of all this?
To sell the idea to you and to the creative industry in general that we all need to help each other - especially those without the skills that they need to enable fruitful creative endeavours - be they business, social or any related materials that aren't dished out at college.

Who's behind all this?
Inspired by the book of the same name, it's supported by the writer and publisher as a way of communicating the ideas and ethos of the book.

What is Plebsville?
It's a creative community for people who believe in what we are trying to acheive and want to be a part of it.

What is a pleb?
It's you (in the nicest possible way). It's the vast majority of us. Lack of assistance and guidance from creative industries leaves most of us floundering around like a wet spaniel at a salami convention. No matter how talented or creative you are, at some stage you will need to pick the brains and communicate with others and that's where we come in.

How do I join Plebsville?
That's easy, CLICK THIS

What's is going to cost me?
Nadda, nothing, zilchio, not a penny, diddly-squat (need we go on?)

What's the catch?
There is no catch, we will not contact you selling crap, we will not use your personal details for any devious / deviant means.

Plebs and Plebsville

What do I do in Plebsville?
Write a profile of yourself so people can see what you're about, then use the portfolio to store your work and things that interest you and may interest others. Use it to promote yourself and communicate with the rest of the creative community.

How do I talk to other plebs?
Add them to your plebnet then send them an email.

What is a plebnet?
It's a pond of plebs. It's where you store your contacts.

What do I talk to plebs about?
What ever you want, but ideally it would be best to keep it creative. Treat others as you would like to be treated; naughtiness / abuse / racism will result in your account being wiped. You can contact us if you want to report a crime

How do I invite my friends to become plebs?
You press the 'INVITE PLEB' button in my account box (under your profile)

What is the randomised plebnet?
It's a neat way of meeting new plebs and expanding your influences. Move your pointer over the dots, then click on one and it will take you to a randomly selected pleb.


Who (or what) is HUGO?
HUGO is our online human search engine. Predominantly run by Richard Bucht, of Waterstone's Art & Design bookshop in Covent Garden, London (he's a clever guy). On this site his guidance is impartial and confidential. HUGO is also the gateway to the other Gurus on the site.

What do I ask him?
Utilise his knowledge of art and design and his skills as creative mediator. Any questions that he feels would be of interest to the other Gurus will be passed on via him.

How do I ask him?

You email him from his profile page


Who (or what) are Gurus?
Gurus are industry leaders or people we think are useful or special in some way. They are people who can communicate and share our goal of making the creative industry work harder to produce a new generation of talent. We cannot leave it up to the current institutions and establishment, its up to each of us. They are here to help you and provide guidance and assistance where and when they can

Why are they on this site?
Because they care and they want to help. It's also in their interests to keep an ear to the ground and nurture and harness new talent.

Can I talk to the Gurus like I can talk to plebs?
You can contact HUGO for guidance on design / art / literature by using the comment system on the blog or by sending him a message from your email account. You cannot contact the Gurus directly, but bear in mind that they will be keeping an eye on the site and if they like what they see they will get in contact with you. Gurus have a plebnet as well and they will contact and store plebs that they want to be in touch with.

Portfolios and Profiles

What do I put in my profile?

When you set up your account, you'll be asked the standard profile questions. Answer the questions honestly. It's what everyone will see… some questions are for a bit of fun, others you may want to expand on your creative endeavours with. Bear in mind that this site will help you, its not purely entertainment….. You add to your profile when you first sign up and can adapt and change the data at any time by clinking the manage account button in your profile. Include as much or as little about yourself as you feel comfortable with. The compulsory data to enter has a star next to it.

How do I get my portfolio seen by people outside the site?
You email your profile to them from the account

Other Stuff

What are brain eggs?
They are documents and other downloads that we think may be of use to you; legal documents, business contracts, interviews and stuff like that.

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