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If you’re having a spring clean this weekend and are clearing out your loft or garage, you might want to double check exactly what you are throwing away!
A live tortoise, an old mattress stuffed with £5,000, an entire 25 year collection of The Beano and a suitcase full of human skulls are just some of the weird and wonderful items that have ended up in our bins according to a new survey on what people throw away.
National waste management firm HIPPOWASTE™, operators of the HIPPOBAG™, surveyed 100 waste transfer stations and household tips across the country to find the top 10 strangest things people throw away.
The top 10 were:
1. A mattress stuffed with over £5,000 worth of savings left by an elderly lady who had forgotten it was there!
2. An entire collection of The Beano spanning 25 years
3. A suitcase full of human skulls and bones from a biology lab
4. A £3,000 wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses that should have gone to the dry cleaners after the big day!
5. A live tortoise found crawling around the green waste bin and was subsequently reclaimed by its owner
6. An entire man’s wardrobe including golf clubs thrown away by disgruntled wife who discovered he was having an affair
7. Contents of a police evidence bag for a court case
8. Top secret documents and blueprints for a British aircraft carrier
9. A hoax bomb that initiated an army investigation
10. Travel agency takings of £200,000 that was thrown away in black bin liners and required a major recovery operation
Other items identified in the poll included false legs, passports, anti-aircraft shells, the entire Saturday takings of a major shopping centre, old coins from 1820 featuring Queen Victoria and a week’s worth of family washing!
“Waste and how much we throw away is a serious business in the UK but we wanted to do some light-hearted research into what ends up in our bins. This survey has generated some fascinating results and shows that people will literally throw anything away, whether intentionally or by mistake!” explained James Bennett, managing director of HIPPOWASTE™.
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